Perspectives of a Writer and Musician

Issues related to writing, publishing and playing jazz music: One man's muse.
by Al Stevens

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Location: Florida, United States

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Paradigm Shift (or Shift Happens)

I've changed the emphasis of my life, and thus the emphasis of this blog, to the pursuit of the written word and the improvised note. I made writing and playing music my livelihood for many years, wrote mostly about computers and computer programming, and played jazz in saloons and gin mills. I've switched my writing to other genres, fiction and non-fiction, and to self-publishing. I'll talk about that as things progress. I've stopped playing music out for a while, too.

Oh, yeah, I am a ventriloquist, too. It is not unexpected, then, that one of my first self-published works should be about ventriloquism. See recent postings on this blog about that book. And click here to view the website dedicated to that book. At this time, only the Kindle edition of the book is available. In the next week or two the print edition will be posted on amazon, and copies will be available from Tom Ladshaw at the Kentucky ventriloquist convention in July. If I make it, those copies can be autographed.

The vent book project is ongoing, and this place will mention it from time to time. There are three other books in the works, and we'll talk about them, too.

I had announced earlier that I am taking down the blog. Some of you expressed your wishes that I not do that. So, at least for a while, I'll leave those articles in place in the archives.


Blogger Bob Conrad said...

Glad to see you back, I will looking for your book when it is print form.

10:40 AM  

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